10 Years of Nuketown
Nuketown has been released 6 times over the last 10 years. We first saw it in Black Ops and it was a fan favorite instantly.
A small map made up of two houses, both having backyards and a small street that separates the two. A large bus and a truck are found in the center of the street.
All six houses on and around the map have mailboxes with names on them, the yellow house is Woods's house, Greenhouse is Mason's house and the houses outside the map have the names O’Brien, Reinsel, Hammond, and Hocatt on the mailboxes.
The Nuketown sign shows the count of players currently playing on the map.
The main location of the map in the world is in Nevada USA.
The Original map was released on November 9, 2010. Nuclear testing grounds with lots of fast-paced action.
An Easter Egg that is achieved by Shooting all the heads off of the mannequins in an almost impossible time of 15 seconds will play the song “Sympathy for the Devil” by The Rolling Stones from the speakers found at both ends of the map.
Black ops 2 Nuketown 2025 was released on Black Ops 2 November 12, 2012. Many small displays of the original map can be seen scattered around the map with another cool Easter Egg By shooting all the mannequins heads off within two minutes of starting the game you can unlock an Easter Egg that changes the Nuketown sign into a retro gaming system. The games that can be played are Activision games from the 80s like Kaboom, Pitfall, H.E.R.O., and River Raid.
Nuk3town returns in this futuristic battle, hange your reality with this new Coalescence simulation software. released on November 6, 2015.
Shooting all the mannequins head off in two minutes or less will transform them into robot zombies that will walk, crawl and run after the players, the mannequins have normal health and will kill the players in 3 hits. A second variant to this ester egg is shooting the heads and arms off causing the mannequins to only move when the player is not looking at them, a reference to the Weeping Angels from the British TV show “Doctor Who”.
Black Ops 4 Nuketown was released on October 12, 2018
The Cold War heats up, as superpowers collide at the brink of thermonuclear meltdown in this covert Russian nuclear launch site disguised as a quiet Russian village.
The Russian mannequins can be activated by shooting off the heads as fast as you can, doing this will result in the road in the center of the map to lift and a rocket to shoot out of the ground and into the sky, leaving a black hole in the sky that has many Russian mannequins falling out of it, the mannequins fall to the ground and attack anyone who’s alive. Be safe out there!
Nuketown Mobile was released on October 1, 2019
This version of Nuketown is great for a mobile game but it has no added Easter Eggs or anything, the full layout and style of the old map provide a great mobile experience for any true Call of Duty fan.
Nuketown Zombies was released on March 13, 2013.
Mass-energy equivalence, secret tests, crash landing perks. Survive in iconic Nuketown, where the past and the future come together.
This Zombie Experience has many of the Zombie Community favorites like the Ray Gun, Ray Gun Mark II, Monkey Bomb, Bowie Knife, Juggernog, Speed Cola, Double Tap Root Beer, and Quick Revive.
After all players are down and the match ends, a Bomb Drops from the sky to finish killing all zombies on earth. It’s said to be the bomb that was launched from the map Moon.
And that is all for now, Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to see more about Nuketown over at CallofDutyMaps